Above is the Hambleton Hall selection from my trip to Miniatura at the weekend. There's fabric to dress a bed, a selection of Cranberry glass that I intend adding to, a lovely little silver dish for holding grapes, a razor strop (I'd been holding out for a nice one for a long time) and a flower kit. This will be my first venture into making flowers I'll let you know how it goes!
I did buy lots more but I've had to seperate it all into each relevant property (one of which doesn't have a blog - yet!)
It was also nice to see Mags (Mags-nificent Miniatures) and Julie (Bellabelle dolls). We wont be catching up at the Scottish Miniatura this year as there isn't going to be one :-(
If anyone would like to know who I purchased from, please ask. I forgot to ask permissions from the sellers to post their links - so better safe than sorry.