Saturday, 17 August 2013

Janey, the Servant

Janey the Servant's room was the last space to be decorated inside the house.   It's taken me since 2005 to get to this point and it's still not finished.

First of all, I had to dull down her wallpaper a bit.   It was far too bright and new looking for a servant.

Then a cupboard and wall-light were added -
Then I had a little play -

Of course she now had to have furniture to store her worldly goods.   She needed a washstand complete with toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and nailbrush -
No servant went anywhere without her box -
It's nice to finally be able to show, in situ, the bonnet sent to me by Marlene 
She has her secret little Valentine card hidden under her pillow -
The Penny Dreadful she's really not supposed to read - but does anyway - immediately beneath the stitched message that says (in case she should ever forget) "God Sees All" -
And finally, the whole room -

It was a bit sad completing this room.   I really enjoyed doing this one and learnt how to make a few little bits along the way.
Just the "grounds" to tackle now!



  1. WOW! It looks great! That is one lucky servant to have such a gorgeous room. ;-)

  2. Hi Irene, I like the room you made very much. It has a quiet, peaceful atmosphere....lovely. Many beautiful details (the cupboard is my favorite!). Hugs, Liduina

  3. It is a lovely room Irene and quite large for a servants quarters I would imagine, you have made it beautiful for her.

  4. Janey is one fortunate servant having such a lovely room to call her own, I hope her employers allow her a little time each day to enjoy it! I could dwell here myself, it seems a place of peace away from the bustle of the housework.

  5. Very beautiful room for a servant. I'll definitely want to stay there, the bed is so beautifully made, so smooth. As always, so well done.

  6. Hello Irene! I am delighted with all the little extras that you have inserted here and there that have made this room really special. The letter under the pillow is perhaps my favorite but everything it this room radiates cosy and personal. I know how you feel when you finally get to the end of what you have been up to your eyeballs involved with. Elation at completion and then sadness like an old friend is being left behind. Nonetheless, your room is charming and the little maid will thank you forever!


  7. 8 years is good going, room looks realy good, glad you liked the bonnet. Can wait to see the grounds.

  8. It's so full of character, Irene. How did you dull down the paper? A coloured wash over it?
    I love the toothbrush, TINY!! And the bonnet looks perfect behind the door.
    I also really like the way you add cupboards and false doors, it's so imaginative.
    Take care

  9. Hi Irene! This room looks so "homey", I think we could all be happy there with the simple necessities! What a fortunate servant to have the room to herself! I know what you mean about being sad to finish a project! I think that is what keeps me from "finishing" mine! LOL!
    I really like it that you have a name and a "character" worked out for your servant... even if she is invisible.... you still can feel her presence in this room! That is what makes it so well done!!!

  10. Hello Irene,
    You got everything just right. It looks beautiful, comfortable and perfect for a servant...a very lucky servant I might add! The furniture and accessories are just perfect. I love it!
    Big hug,

  11. What a sweet room. I love all the small details and the bonnet is adorable.

  12. It is a very beautiful room for a servant. She must be happy with it. All details you put in this room are perfect !!!

  13. Hi Irene,

    I love this room, it has a charm and simplicity, and also clearly demonstrates the difference between life 'upstairs and down' where servants were working long hours and their bed must have been a great haven!

    I like all those touches you've added, like the love letter under the pillow, the penny dreadful and the toiletries. I'm sure Janey took extra care over her looks on her precious afternoon off; maybe she was off to see the 'secret' admirer who sent the Valentine!!?

    Andy xx

  14. Irene the bedroom is perfect as always :)

  15. The room is fantastic. I love how you dressed the bed and the stiched message above it.

  16. Un blog muy interesante, tienes cosas maravillosas, trabajos muy bonitos. ya tienes una seguidora más. Un abrazo, Arantza.

  17. I love this room, you have done it all beautifully. You have one of my favourite blogs and if I ever revert to classical miniatures, it will be because you inspired me. Its all wonderful xx
