Sunday, 2 September 2012

Anyone for Croquet?

I've done as much as I can with the bathroom.   All the furnishings and fittings are in place.   It just needs accessories but for those I'm having to wait for my trip to Miniatura at the end of the month.
I know I could purchase what I need online but the fun of choosing things face to face so to speak is going to be worth the wait.    There are very few fairs here so I tend to take full advantage on the occasions when I DO get to visit a fair.
So...........with that in mind, I've started working on my attic storage room.   This will be filled with luggage, sporting/games equipment and sundry other items that don't have a home or have seen better days.
This Jane Harrop kit was purchased some months ago with the storage room in mind.   It was a fun little kit to put together and I'm very satisfied with the end result.



  1. Hi Irene,

    Really cute! It has a very 'real' appearance. I've been into 'kits,' lately, too and I'm going to check out your link --thanks for that!

  2. It looks wonderful, Irene, enjoy the show, I also love seeing things before buying and there is an atmosphere at shows which you can never get in front of the computer.

  3. I love what you've done with the Kit Irene, I can just imagaine how the attic roll will look. I have a copy of the Chatsworth Attic sale brochure and its wonderful looking at the old neglected parts of the house - you literally could build a home from what was up there. I love that, sometimes more than the public rooms

  4. I've had my eye on this kit for a while - it's so much nicer-looking than the old, cheaply made croquet set I have. I might just have to buy it next!

  5. Hello
    I also like best when I can both touch and se.God shopping experience. It is an adorable croquet set you made. Amazing.

  6. Hello Irene,
    I LOVE that Croquet set. What a wonderful piece. I can't wait to see your attic come to life.
    Big hug,

  7. Yes, please! I love playing croquet, well I haven't played for a very long time. I have wonderful memories of playing with my grandmother, brother and sister.
    Your miniature croquet is perfect.
