Friday, 17 February 2012

A decision has been made.

Thank you everyone who gave me suggestions and solutions to my dilemma.

I've made up my mind now and the larger space to the right will combine Nanny and Nursery, to the left of the hall will be the bathroom (I had to have one as I've already got the fitments) and the far left room will be a general attic space.

The bed was originally a garish gold colour that has since been painted black.

This decision was arrived at as I already have some of the furniture, ie. Nanny's bed, washstand, crib and of course the bathroom fittings.

I'm not too keen on the low level cistern so I'll be changing that and I've yet to choose the decor of the room but at least I'm a stage further on than I was a week ago and the only thing to do next is decide which room to start with!


  1. Ciao!!! Bellissimi i colori del bagno!! Mi piace tanto!!
    Un bacio

  2. Te esta quedando muy bien, todavia tienes mucho trabajo por delante....pero se disfruta tanto con el jeje
    besitos ascension

  3. Great to see you have decided, if your bathroom looks to long, put a fake wall in the back, i have done this in mine with a door left open showing the hall behind, makes the bathroom the right size and the hall is an interesting glimpse.

  4. Creo que la decisión es acertada!!!
    Está quedando muy bonito!!!

  5. Sounds like a good plan to me Irene, I like the bath!! You will do something great I have no doubt!


    Andy x

  6. Hi, Irene! What is a 'glory hole,' in your vernacular? Just out of curiosity, as the term has an (apparently) different meaning in these U.S. of A. parts. :)

    1. Oops! Thank you for pointing that out, John. I had no idea.

  7. I'll be following the bathroom makeover with interest Irene, and taking notes for when it's my turn :)

  8. Good decision! I'm looking forward to seeing how you'll decorate the rooms.

  9. Hello Irene,
    I'm glad you made a decision. The bathroom fixtures are beautiful...I especially LOVe the bath tub.
    I can't wait to see more.
    All the best,
