Thursday, 3 March 2011

Shame on me....

How embarrassing is this - no updates since the New Year!

It has taken me some time to track down a suitable wallpaper for this room and now that I have it, there's no excuse not to do anything with it. I don't have a fixed picture in mind for this room yet, but it will come. I just don't want to leave it so long till the next entry.

I've been working away on other projects but the time has come to get on with this so... today the decorators moved in. They've primed the walls - they used a brush because they couldn't be bothered getting out the roller. They can do that tomorrow!

I'd also like to welcome my new followers. It's lovely to have you here and I hope you enjoy what you see.

I promise not to leave it so long between posts!


  1. Godt å høre fra deg ,gleder meg til å se hvordan ditt nye prosjekt blir.

    Klem Janne

  2. It looks great as it is now! You could leave it like that for months. Don't worry about the delay, we all know what it is like waiting for tradesmen to show up. :-D

  3. Well that prommisses to be a good future...can't wait to see more!


  4. Welcome back! I love to see projects like this.
    I'm sure it's going to be beautiful!

  5. I see that the work in full swing ...
    Well well ... We want to see the room finished :-)
    Mini hugs, Flora

  6. I can't wait to see how the room will look like. I'm sure once the workers will get to work it will be done quickly.
