Friday, 24 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

A very Merry Christmas to all my followers. I wish you all you wish yourselves. Irene X

Sunday, 21 November 2010

An excellent idea....

As a follower of Casey's Minis, I had been looking through her Tutorial link and came across what I thought was a brilliant idea. Using a tile and some board, Casey had created a little backdrop that looked really effective when taking pictures of small arrangements.

It was something I just had to have a go at and here's the result. A tile, some board, wallpaper and scraps of skirting etc and voila, a decent backdrop for photos. Thank you Casey for the idea. I was very impressed!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

I've been shopping - again!

I'm an avid follower of Flora's Blog and when I discovered she had an Etsy Shop I just had to have a look.

It was difficult to go there and not shop!

Today a parcel arrived - beautifully presented .......... what wonderful minis did it contain?

A delightful message from Flora, two intricately styled candle holders with candles and a box of mini mail. The mail especially is just so detailed, right down to the tiny bundle of letters tied with a bow - however did you manage that, Flora? - and folded in tissue paper

Mrs Admiral is certainly going to be pleased with these little accessories - I'd better start thinking about decorating her room.

THANK YOU Flora for an excellent service, I'll certainly be shopping with you again.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Welcome, new followers...........

A very warm welcome to all new followers.   It's very nice to have you here and I hope you like what you see.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

I had a fun time today putting all the little items I purchased at the fair last into the Admiral's closet. On looking at the picture, I think I need something with a bit of height on the second shelf though.

Top shelf - grooming treatments and money; second shelf - braces, gloves and golfing socks; third shelf - sketch book, telescope and map and on the bottom shelf - shoes, pith helmet and binoculars.

One thing I hadn't noticed initially was that the Sketch book has actual sketches!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Lots of Goodies..........

I managed to pick up a good selection of items at the Miniatura Fair in Birmingham at the weekend. It wasn't deliberate but the Admiral has done VERY well indeed.

There really isn't a great selection out there for gentlemen's items so I'm afraid whenever I saw something suitable, I snapped it up.

The fabric and trimmings are for The Salon, the ladies dressing table set will find a home once I get started on Her room (that's the next project) and I'm not sure where I'll put the little candle holders, I just liked them.

The book is a little sketch book, the little tartan items are golfing socks and the item under the shoes is actually a pair of braces but they are a bit more obvious in the picture above. The playing card has 51 other little friends that have to be placed - by me - in their box. It could take a while!

My favourite item of the whole show just had to be the tiny opening and closing cut throat razor which was from Danny Shotton.

The box to the left holds a telescope and came as part of a set with the pith helmet and map; I'm really pleased too with the brush and comb set on the stand as well as the champagne (which I nearly didn't buy then changed my mind!). The item to the front is money in a clip.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Dressing a table.

It's not very often that I actually make minis from scratch. I prefer to leave that to the people who are really good at it but occasionally, just very occasionally I'm inspired to make a little something

That little something was a covered table for The Parlour. I had had the table there sitting uncovered since I put it in there but to me it didn't feel Victorian enough so......... here is what I did....

I measured the diameter and height of a table I had that I was happy with and cut two circles from balsa and also a section of the inner tube of a roll of foil to the required height. Remember to allow for the thickness of the balsa wood when working out your height. Assemble as above.

Next, cut a circle of your chosen fabric allowing for height x 2 and diameter, add your selected trim round the outside edges and let that dry. Meanwhile, cover the whole thing with food wrap. Spray the cloth with starch or hairspray then arrange over the table adjusting folds.

The next step is to invert the table into a suitable receptacle (in my case it was a jam pot) of similar diameter and deep enough to take the whole table. Leave to dry.

Et voila! One (hopefully) Victorian looking table. Much nicer, I think, than the bare piece of furniture I had before.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Exciting news....

First things first - a very warm welcome to all my new followers. It's very nice to have you here and I hope you like what you see. Thank you for following my blog.

The latest news regarding the Hall is that I've been published in Miniaturas! I've been grinning to myself all morning.

Miniaturas is a lovely magazine and whilst I had heard of it, I hadn't seen it until a few fellow bloggers were published as well.

I'm afraid I can't follow the content of the articles but looking at the pictures is just amazing. The little clock shop shown on the front cover is a work of art and so imaginative.

Madelva has shown Hambleton Hall in it's entirety and, because there are still three empty rooms, she has inserted pictures of the other two properties I'm working on. (The Tenement top right and left and Apples Tearooms, just underneath on the right). I thought that was quite an ingenious idea.

When I started working on this house six years ago, I never for one moment imagined it would come to this so a very big THANK YOU to Madelva for the opportunity.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Top That!

A couple of items arrived in the post this morning for The Admiral. A leather top hat box and a tiny pair of grey leather gloves.

They're from Margaret, the MiniMillner. Margaret also made The Admiral's hat.

I had to try it out, and yes - the top hat fits! I've had the leather top hat and cane for some time now and they were made by another Artisan. I know the hat should be the other way round, but it looked better in the photo this way - ha ha!

Thursday, 8 July 2010

The Admiral's Bedroom

At last, I have something to show of the Admiral's bedroom. There are still one or two pieces I'd like to get for this room but I haven't found them online yet so the search continues. At some point I'd also like to fill his wardrobe and chest of drawers as well.

With the exception of the hat, the uniform, the top hat and the dressed bed everything was purchased either at fairs or online. The little box on the chest of drawers is for collars and there's a picture of his hero "Lord Nelson" on the wall. The picture on the back wall is of Chatsworth House, England's finest stately home.

The green leather sea chart tube in the chest contains his nautical maps, there's a tiny little pocket watch on the bedside cabinet and the glass on the carafe is removeable.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Curtains for His good self.

All I have to get for the Admiral's bedroom is a mirror. Once I get that in place, I'll be able to show you his finished room. In the meantime, I suddenly remembered I hadn't posted pics of the curtains I mentioned earlier. I prefer to make my own curtains as this gives me something a little bit different.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Welcome, new followers........

I've got quite a few followers to welcome today. I'm not very good yet at the code thing that makes sure everyone's blog is click-able (which was obvious from my last welcome post) but I think I've cracked it now - so..........Welcome everyone. It's lovely to see you here.

My Realitty
Sara Carlson (who doesn't appear to have a blog)
Nuria, Rossana and Norma

There are more bloggers to welcome but I'll do that very soon. I hope you were all sitting comfortably!

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Scottish Miniatura

I didn't do too badly today at the Fair. With the exception of the red book (Jane Eyre for Her) and the single rose, all these items will be making it into the Admiral's room shortly. The blue book is Moby Dick.

The blue sparkly item to the right will be taken apart and hopefully become a medal on the Admiral's uniform.

I also met Julie and Mags which was lovely. Julie I had met at a previous fair but had only come across Mags on her blog although I had bought from her at fairs in the past.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

The Bed.

This is the bed I purchased some time ago for the Master's Bedroom. It's got horrible fabric on it so that had to go. This is the first bed I've dressed and wasn't quite sure of the look I was after, bearing in mind that the occupant is a serious Admiral of the Fleet. I always think it doesn't do to get too cocky when doing this type of thing for the first time so I've kept it all relatively simple and this is what I've settled on:

Curtains next.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Master Bedroom

Well, it certainly took longer than the week I thought it would when I last posted! Here's what I have so far with the main bedroom. The eagle-eyed amongst you will notice a piece of wiring sticking out from the ceiling rose. This is because the light fitting I was originally going to place there hangs far too low so more shopping is called for. The wire lets me get to the hole straightaway!

I already have most of the pieces I need for this room but I've yet to dress the bed so the next batch of pics could be a while coming and I'm waiting on delivery of a chair and table.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

At last, things are happening here!

Hopefully, some time soon, this little lot will be turned into something resembling an 1880s gentleman's bedroom.

I had planned to be further on with the room today but lack of light fittings has held up proceedings as I was reluctant to order any especially as I'm off to NEC, Birmingham at the weekend. I'm hoping to pick up something there (as well as loads of other stuff!). I did however get the ceiling painted, and some of the walls papered and with any luck there will be more to show you all next week.

Welcome, new followers.....

Victorian Boots & Hat Pictures, Images and Photos

I've been a bit lax recently with this particular blog but things are starting to get going again!

I'd like to welcome all my new followers and hope you enjoy what you see - thanks to Christel Jensen (Christel Jensen - Little Treasures), Pepi_mali, rudoo (Buggaboos), Sylvia (lotjesdollshouse), Glenda (Peppercorn minis), Anneke (pieplyts), genevieve (Genevieve's Miniacollection), ascension (Mis Miniaturas), Bear Cabin Miniatures, Karin (I'm not sure if Karin has a blog or not - one didn't show up but it may be me!), Merry Jingle (merry jingle crafts), Miniaturemaid, Mary Williams (Dolls House Dolls Blog) and Debbie (Tiny Treasures).

It's lovely to see you all here.

Friday, 26 February 2010

An Award for me!

I was thrilled today to discover I'd been passed this Award by Gaye - thank you so much for thinking of me.

First of all, the rules:

1. Thank the person that gave it to you;
2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog;
3. Link to the person who nominated you;
4. Name 7 things about yourself that nobody knows;
5. Nominate 7 kreativ bloggers;
6. Post link to the 7 blogs that you nominate; and
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know that you nominate them.

I'd like to pass this Award to:

1. Christel at Christel Jensen Little Treasure
2. Marlies at Marlies En Minies
3. Norma at Make Mine Mini
4. Pilar at Las Minis De Pilar
5. Genevieve at Genevieve's Miniacollection
6. Mercedes at Liberty Biberty
7. Linda at Une Petit Folie

Thank you all for the inspiration and entertainment.

And finally, seven things about me:

1. I played the cello for five years at high school;
2. I am in no hurry for grandchildren;
3. I was presented with a book on historical costume at school age 10 - I still have it;
4. I love new books, especially that very satisfying "crackle" when they're opened for the first time;
5. My ancestors were Norse;
6. I dislike whisky; and
7. I love late Spring.

Sunday, 21 February 2010


A very warm welcome to my new followers - Tink (Minitink), Minna (Minna's Doll World), Miniatureallsorts (Miniature Allsorts Blog), Caseymini (Casey's Minis), Sabiha, Nuria (Las minis De Nuri) and Ana Rosa (Las miniaturas De Ana).

It's nice to see you all here.

Something different.

It's been a little while since any work was done on Hambleton Hall. I've been searching for just the right wallpaper for "His" bedroom and at long last, I've found it so hopefully there will be progress with that room.

I was searching through my stock of photographs and thought I'd post these two pics that were taken some time ago. I got quite adventurous and had a little play with effects. I was keen to see how "real" looking I could make the room. I quite like the sepia finish.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Welcome new followers..

A very warm welcome to Maria Jose (Marivigano), Susanne, Eva and Sandra (Tales from a Toymaker). Thank you for following my blog.

Monday, 4 January 2010

A bit of a diversion for me!

When I first started working on Hambleton Hall I decided that the owner would be an Admiral. It helped focus the research if I kept that at the back of my mind.

At the end of 2008 I commissioned an Admiral's Hat with the idea of displaying it on a wooden head. The detail on the little hat is incredible. Margaret, The Mini Milliner even went to the trouble of copying the silver stitching and inscription inside as detailed on the picture I sent her.

Well, I've finally plucked up the courage (after all this time) to make a uniform to go with it. This uniform will stand in His bedroom on a mannequin.