Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Lots of Goodies..........

I managed to pick up a good selection of items at the Miniatura Fair in Birmingham at the weekend. It wasn't deliberate but the Admiral has done VERY well indeed.

There really isn't a great selection out there for gentlemen's items so I'm afraid whenever I saw something suitable, I snapped it up.

The fabric and trimmings are for The Salon, the ladies dressing table set will find a home once I get started on Her room (that's the next project) and I'm not sure where I'll put the little candle holders, I just liked them.

The book is a little sketch book, the little tartan items are golfing socks and the item under the shoes is actually a pair of braces but they are a bit more obvious in the picture above. The playing card has 51 other little friends that have to be placed - by me - in their box. It could take a while!

My favourite item of the whole show just had to be the tiny opening and closing cut throat razor which was from Danny Shotton.

The box to the left holds a telescope and came as part of a set with the pith helmet and map; I'm really pleased too with the brush and comb set on the stand as well as the champagne (which I nearly didn't buy then changed my mind!). The item to the front is money in a clip.


  1. I can't believe the detail in these items - the binoculars, and their case! - the razor!!
    Everything is admirable ;) !!

  2. I really love your miniatures..they are great!!
    -Kim :)

  3. Irene, do you mind if, next time, I make the trip and I also come to this fair?
    You have bought wonderful things! They'll all wonderful, at the Admiral's home. This man is always more attractive, with a similar kit :-)

  4. Hello Irene,
    Some lovely items you have acquired there. I too have begun to realise that collecting things for my Gents Emporium is going to be difficult as you say, not really a great selection out there. Now there`s an idea !.



  5. It was a great show - in fact I was a woman on a mission with a very large bag!

    Flora - You'd be more than welcome to accompany me to the next show (19th & 20th March). You'd love it!

    Ian - It was such a shame you were unable to make the Fair. There were a few things there that would have been ideal for your Emporium (high end prices of course) but you pay for quality. I was restricted by the fact that my gentleman's items will be going on a shelf as some of the things were "laid out". Ideal for your purposes though.

  6. Hi Irene,

    I've just posted a comment on The Tenement blog about the razor and brush set, so have probably started some confusion as they're not on the Tenement photo. Oh dear.


  7. Some wonderful purchases from MIniaturia. Love the little Cut throat razor..x
