Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Towel Rail, Tiles and Toothpaste.

Janey, the Servant, now has a wash stand boasting a towel rail and tiles.

I've also added a tin of toothpowder and a mug for her toothbrush.

She also has a piece of white rag for use as a facecloth and a plate to hold her soap and nailbrush.

No excuses for this girl!   After all, cleanliness is next to Godliness!

Shortly after posting my last batch of pictures, I received a message from Marlene at Somerset House to say that she had a bonnet that was surplus to her requirements and which would be ideal for this setting.
The little bonnet arrived today and it's lovely!   I'm waiting on starch drying at the moment and once that's done I can put the little bonnet in place.   In the meantime here are a couple of pics to show how lovely it is.
Thank you Marlene.   It was a lovely thing to do and very much appreciated.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

How to make a hairbrush

A few people have asked how I created the hairbrush so I thought I'd share the process with you.

Step 1.

Take a paintbrush.   Any paintbrush.   I used a cheap artists brush for this.   Trim the bristles so that they're absolutely flat along the top then add a layer of glue.   Leave to dry thoroughly. *

Step 2.

Draw your hairbrush shape onto a very thin piece of wood.

Step 3.

Using a craft knife, roughly cut round your hairbrush shape.   (Sorry it's fuzzy but you get the idea).

Step 4.
Gently sand/file round the shape until you're happy with it and it resembles a hairbrush.   I used a needle file.

Step 5.

You can either paint or wax your brush.   I used brush on/buff off wax.

Step 6.

When the glue has thoroughly dried on the bristles, add a layer of glue to the hairbrush form, gently lay it along the top of the bristles making sure everything is in alignment and leave to dry.

Step 7.

Cut the hairbrush from the paintbrush allowing extra to trim.   Ensuring that the bristles are well and truly stuck to your hairbrush, trim them to size.


You are now the proud owner of your own hand made mini hairbrush.

* The instructions for how to deal with getting the bristles on the brush were found here:  about.com 

I am not in any way affiliated to this site but there are lots of very useful hints and tips to be found there relating to miniatures. 

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Bits and Bobs

Inspired by the very talented Pedrete and following through with my statement that I love to see drawers, cabinets and boxes with contents, I've been busy creating a few bits and bobs for Janey, the Parlour Maid in Hambleton Hall.
The wash stand is in need of a towel rail and some tiles and I'm working on those but this is what I've managed to come up with so far.
On the wash stand there's a little writing case.   It actually contains envelopes and writing paper but since I didn't take a photo before tying it shut and the chances of getting the bow tied if I open it are pretty slim, you take it from me, they are in there!
There's a fancy box she kept from some long ago gift that contains some family photographs and a box of violet soap that she keeps for her afternoon off.  
I also had a go at making a hairbrush, nail brush and toothbrush - certainly not to David Edwards' very high standard but I'm happy with them given I've not done anything like that before.
Below sits her box.   This was the only item a servant would have to hold their personal belongings - I find it also doubles up as a very useful bedside surface.
In the box there is a length of fabric for her to make herself a dress and of course the obligatory family bible given to her by her mother when she went into service and which will hopefully keep her on the straight and narrow!   The final item is a little romance she enjoys reading when she finally manages to get some time to herself.


Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Servant's Room

This is the last room to be dealt with in Hambleton Hall and it's taken me since 2005 to get here!

I've decided to call my servant Janey and she's a Parlour Maid.   Although I don't put figures in my properties I still like to have some idea of who they are and what they would be like as it helps me with decorating and furnishing a room.
Her room is situated in the attic, top right and is a decent sized space.    The wallpaper was purchased online and when put in place, it looked far too white and bright for a room that was probably decorated years ago and then ignored so I set about it with a used tea bag and that dulled it down a bit.   It did feel odd however, attacking such lovely fresh looking paper!
In order to give the room a bit more perspective, a cupboard was added at the back and I can imagine that this would lead to additional attic space.
A hole was pre-drilled to accommodate a wall light and a channel created for the candle light still to be purchased.

I was all set to fix in the cornice today but realised I couldn't until the candle light has been wired into place so that little job is on hold for the moment, as is the placing of the skirtings.  
It was too tempting not to have a little play!
I'm now working on bits and pieces to put in the drawers and in her box, which will make a useful bedside surface.