Friday, 10 June 2011

From Queensland, Australia to Edinburgh, Scotland

Recently I was lucky enough to win Christine's giveaway and it arrived today. Given that it had come all the way from Queensland to Edinburgh, it hadn't taken that long.

Sitting on the top was a little message from Christine

Underneath that there was a lovely little crate tied with "rope"

Inside were two little "shipping invoices/bills of sale", some wonderfully clever little woodshavings and the gifts themselves suitably wrapped in "burlap"

After carefully unwrapping all the little treasures - a tantalus, pheasant, a very detailed cheesboard, a lovely little cloth and at the very bottom of the crate, some UK newspapers.

Isn't it all great?

The Admiral is extremely impressed with his new Tantalus and will certainly be enjoying a "snifter" this evening.

Cook has decided that tonight Pheasant will be on the menu and you can see it here on the table ready to be prepared.

The cheeseboard has made it's way to my Tearooms and fits in there perfectly.

THANK YOU very much Christine - I love it all and appreciate the care taken with all the little details.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Irene, goodnight - Irene, goodnight..............

Well, maybe not for me, but certainly by me!

I'd been hunting for a suitable bed for Her Ladyship for quite some time but nothing really hit the spot (despite the fact that there are hundreds of beautifully dressed beds available) and because I didn't want a terribly "frilly" bed, I decided to have a go at making my own.   I did it using balsa wood, spindles and decorative railing.

I'd purchased some fabric at Miniatura with the bed in mind and I'm pretty pleased with the way it's turned out.   There is a lace robe "artfully" arranged at the end of the bed.

The little rose I've had for a while and the little bundle of letters were made by Flora